Passing The Baton

Thursday, October 05, 2017 / Najjua Aras
I was up until 3am last night copying recipes to my very first recipe book. The gold recipes in the delicated frayed brown pages of our family recipe book relived alot memories for me. Wafts of delicious smells and aromas flew across my

New Beginnings

Tuesday, October 03, 2017 / Najjua Aras
for starters Passing The BatonTuesday, October 03, 2017 / Najjua Aras So after much deliberation, I've decide to blog again. For real for reals. I mean there's so many things that has happened, so many transitions and changes in this year alone that I've

The Milestones of SAAJXNA - The Risik

Thursday, November 03, 2016 / Najjua Aras
As a Bride New BeginningsThursday, November 03, 2016 / Najjua ArasAs a Bride Passing The BatonThursday, November 03, 2016 / Najjua Aras Ok so I realised that my empty promises of wanting to document every single thing in my life has gone to shitake
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