New Beginnings
So after much deliberation, I've decide to blog again. For real for reals. I mean there's so many things that has happened, so many transitions and changes in this year alone that I've become so overwhelmed that I need to just pour it in somewhere to make sense of it all.
However since my train of thought have somewhat differed from my previous style of writing... WAIT. IS THIS WHAT THEY CALL ADULTING? *GASPS
Hold up nak deviate kejap, Is anyone even into blogging these days? I feel like the only writers left have moved to wordpress coz its cooler or something. My friend who was a great writer and wrote ALOT of funny stuff about moi and friends during our younger days deleted her two blogs too. (she's probably too busy but its sad really, I would've screenshot the posts she wrote for memories sake, it was so brilliantly funny as its super accurate, ah the young days...)
Aaaannywhoo, I've decided to revamp my Vanilla Sharks to a what I can only describe as a more mature style. Goodbye rainbows and sunshine (wish I had a screenshot of the old blog look as well, so many things have changed so fast that I don't even have time to save anything for keepsakes coz I'm hustling and bustling to keep up! GAHHHHH!) Mental note Najj, nothing stays forever. Things change even if its been steadily stagnant for 8,9,10 years. Just like that, all the things you thought you had can leave you faster than you can say "whaa??". So be sure to store some memories in the moment so it will be more solid than "that vague memory that gets harder and harder to recall"..wait why am I rambling about this. my hands are typing what my mind is thinking and its a jumble of thoughts just pouring out one after another yowzaa.. to whomever who might read this, I apologize if you're confused, I have so much in me to tell that I have to just vomit it out before it escapes me.
Where was I? Ohh yeah back at this new look thingy. Like a blank slate, my Vanilla Sharks has turned all white. Perfect for new beginnings. Well there's nothing left to do but blog I guess. There's so much to tell where do I even begin?
*suddenly hears my Ummi and Abah speaking from the back of my mind.
How about a deep breath and Bismillah for a start.
Again my parents saves the day. Thanks UmmiAbah 💗
for starters