So it goes

And Im back! :D

After leaving the blog world for so long. I felt lazy and going on a hiatus wouldn't do my baby justice..I feel like the time has come for me to write again. Why writing? Well simply because writing helps me breathe better. This blog has been with me through some tough times.. 

and I was thinking.. what if fate has it that I died suddenly..and all the memory thats left of me is my old blog which is just so full of naive thoughts and emotional hatred for all things in life. It leaves a sombre atmosphere and perception no??

and simply because I love it.. and frankly I miss writing.
So here's a few scrambles about me. To sum myself up in a few words..which serves as a forewarning as well so to speak..

Im a...

  • Camera addict.. in the words of Farhana "you're such a millennial ughh" but I disagree coz I don't post things I capture on social media.. I just keep them and let collect virtual dust in le laptop.. I have this desperate need to capture everything and anything because I don't want to miss these amazing moments in my life (I have a theory for this will explain later).. my favorite type of pics are candid ones..seeing genuineness and laughter in people's eyes when they're not posing..seeing people letting their guard down and being silly is I think I'm more of a "crazy annoying Asian tourist type more than millennial".. I do have an Instagram though! :D
  • An avid ice-cruncher. A devastatingly hopeless sweet tooth with a few holes in my teeth to pay for it.
  • I love dancing. I love watching people dance as well.
  • I love cooking and food. So might see lots of those posts as well.
  • I love LOVE itself. I think its one of the most naked magic out there open for the world to witness. So alot of corny posts for sho.

And its 5 in the morning and Im out of ideas.

The reason Im starting new is basically because I was looking at my old blog and I was thinking..hey its a new year right..its Awal Muharram in the Islam calendar basically its a new book..clean slate..

So I've decided to start fresh. For my previous readers they would know that nothing's changed much really. The layout's slightly matured. Rainbows and unicorns to all white to symbolize maturity bahhaha. The name's the same. Even the otter's still up there. It shows I've never really liked changes ey. Or I take time to adapt to it. But Im comfortable with this appearance. and with this I shall write.

So here's to happy memories written and hopefully and abysmally small number of emotional posts.

