Always wanted to do this every time I see one

never had the guts.. got too nervous or scared that I'm interrupting them.. or maybe the photographer deliberately didn't wanna be in the picture. you know like those sisters only or mom with kids kinda thing..then I'll be embarrassed from the rejection of help.. from being overly kind..or maybe its just because I'm just not affluent in speaking human.

but yeah thats the one thing I admire about Europeans or Caucasians.. these Western people are so friendly and open and bold.. you don't want help.. fine by me.. walks away while whistling a jovial tune.. I'd be like this on the other hand.." want picture take you me all? " yeap.. its that bad.. and I'll put on that nervous fake smile like when I was greeting customers while working in eyes get big and addressing a scary lecturer.. but there you have it.. I'm not shy.. its just I'm not smooth.. particularly with strangers.. sometimes I'm cool enough but most of the time Im just awkward and an embarassment.. Im good at making myself look like a fool.

Maybe that can change in 2013?? I'll try this random acts of kindness thing.. it helps jolts the heart.. you feel like a better person.. that you've achieved something you know??
