Sirap Limau


Today saya nak tulis pasal another spontaneous moment. Im not going against my word. This doesn't count as a post. Its just a memo to jot down the little things that makes me smile the most when I decide to enjoy and reminisce about the memories of the past.

Also I really don't wanna open my books.
 *walaupun dah tengok 3 Idiots banyak kali for inspiration.
Rasa macam nak pakai baju I <3 Law everyday and xnak basuh..bagi mandram study sket. Hahah.

Anyways..back to the story. My little moment I would like to share comes from the title of this post itself.. which is the simple yet commonly loved drink in Malaysia. Sirap Limau

Honestly this drink tak special mana to me pon. In fact its placed in one of the lower ranks in my list of a variety of sirap drinks that I like.

The top syrup drink that I like.. no..that I LOVEEE.. is called Sirap Bandung Soda

I was introduced to it years ago by my Abah in Johor. In KL the best Sirap Bandung Soda is made by my sister and the drink can also be found in Waroeng Penyet outlets by the alias name of Soda Gembira. Up above is a picture of it. They make, in my opinion the second-best sirap bandung sodas so far and its worthy of a try.

and Ayak Nyuk Campoq which is Sirap Selasih with bits of Kelapa Muda found in Penang.. 

this one is in Chow Rasta.. the very drink Im talking about. Its infamous. A legend. Since I never had the time to take a picture of it I "borrowed" it from this  blog (hehe sorry).. a blogger who I've recently started to follow..great food blog btw.. who explains it much better and even talks about pasemboq.. a must-try delicacy in Penang.

Back to my point.. Sirap Limau.. and its such a simple drink that I never thought of taking a picture of it hence I had to resort to nabbing this in Google Images instead.

the source is unknown so I can't mention nor thank the person who took this..but as you can see that is a genuine sirap limau in all its glory..

So the story in which I am about to unfold concerns this drink. It was one fine day in December and the nerd was sick.. and hungry.. so he called me up and said with a groggy voice "u dah makan ke??.." to which I replied "belumm....." to which he answered "jom pegi makaannnn.. I lapar.. I ambik you".. and I was thinking right..he's sick..and he wants to drive all the way from PJ to Taman I said " apa kata I ambik you.." to which he said " eyh xpa I boleh ambik..u siap ah".. thats my nerd.. always willing to help..always refusing help.. so I was like "hmmm apa kata jumpa kat UM jela"..then he was like "Okay.." then I hung up and before I drove I whatsapped him and insisted on taking him instead baru die malu-malu cakap okay..and then I ended up picking him from his place..and guess what..badan die panas gila okay..and die berangan nak drive..huh..tak faham betul..guys nak control macho pon agak-agakla..nie overly manly man sangat. nasib baik bawak cool fever.. those things actually work taw!

So I decided that I should bring him to Nirvana and make him eat all the spicy curry food kasi die peluh and hilang demam.. and so we ate there. mind you it was 5PM and we were both hungry as hell.

This is my usual meal.. a mixture of all the condiments they give and mutton varuval or mutton masala..and my side drink was you guessed it..sirap limau..

Shahrul ordered briyani ayam..and we ate as usual in silence..consumed by our love for food.. don't worry..its comfortable silence though..Im beginning to think we're turning into those old couples.. yang macam dah tak kisah nak please but still love each other.. we didn't even have a honeymoon lovebirds phase..maybe sebab we're we did all that before dating.. ahah ahah..

so the little moment came at the end when we were full to the brim and I was drinking my second cup of sirap limau..this is when the mischief started.. Shahrul was being an annoying donkey as usual.. demam-demam pon nak menyakitkan hati..pergh bengang gile iolls.. but he was happy because he was full and he just had to tease me about something.. 

so out of anger.. I had randomly.. spontaneously without thinking slurped the biji limau..the seeds you see inside the drink..and blowed it at him using my straw..u know like this

Its called spitballs! only imagine the boy is me and the girl in front is the nerd facing me with shocked bewildered eyes..

nie close-up.. only imagine the spitballs are lime seeds.. eheh eheh.

now Shahrul is a neat freak and Im well.. messy. selekeh.. tak kisah..semua tue la.. and when the seeds hit him he was so shocked he laughed his Shaggy laugh.. yeap he laughs like that stoned guy from Scooby Doo though I personally think he laughs like Scooby more..part die.. eeeehehehhehheheeee

but I was relentless..I kept blowing seedballs at him sampai nak dekat habis dah all the seeds when he said "Najjua orang belakang nampakla..die gelak.." and I was like..."Whaaaaattt.. no way Im facing you manada orang nampak" and he was like "x caya pusing blakang"

and lo and behold a group of waiters were at the back of our table..they were fixing something and ALL OF THEM SAW ME! SPITTING! SEEDS! AAAAAAH!!

and they laughed! at me!!

I tell you I was so embarassed but I kept my cool. I pretended not to see and Shahrul eased some of my embarassment by throwing the seeds at me.. He still looked like he didn't believe such a creature exists though..

and thats my story.. why is it so memorable.. because despite him being sick.. that small gesture was able to conjure one of his belly-rumbling laughs.. to put a smile on his face..and so in the future.. everytime I order that drink..I will always remember that moment we shared..and that is one memory I would like to keep.

